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Supported Colors and Styles by Terminals#

Limited Support for ANSI Escape Codes#

Colorist is based on ANSI escape codes, a standard that defines colors, styling, and effects for text in terminal windows. Note that most terminals support all color options, but not all.


Generally, the features of Colorist are supported in these categories:

Category Supported By Colorist Options1
Standard ANSI colors Almost all terminals Color, BgColor, Effect
Non-standard ANSI colors Most terminals BrightColor, BgBrightColor
Advanced ANSI colors only Some terminals ColorRGB, BgColorRGB, ColorHSL, BgColorHSL, ColorHex, BgColorHex

Refer to the terminal's documentation to see if it supports extended color palettes.

  1. Only custom string styling methods are mentioned in this overview. However, this similarly applies to the respective full text functions. For instance rgb() for ColorRGB, bg_rgb() for BgColorRGB, etc..