Tutorial Browserist provides methods to validate user input, such as URLs, XPaths, and other values. This is useful when interacting with users to ensure that the input meets the expected criteria.
Imagine you want to prompt the user to input a value in the terminal and hereafter validate the value before posting the form input:
Python from browserist import Browser
with Browser () as browser :
browser . open . url ( "https://example.com" )
user_input = input ( "Input value:" )
while not browser . tool . is_input_valid ( user_input , r "regex" ):
print ( "Invalid input. Please try again..." )
user_input = input ( "Input value:" )
browser . input . value ( "//xpath/to/input" , user_input )
XPath Validation How to prompt the user for a valid XPath value in the terminal:
Python from browserist import Browser
with Browser () as browser :
browser . open . url ( "https://example.com" )
user_xpath = input ( "Input XPath:" )
while not browser . tool . is_xpath_valid ( user_xpath )
print ( "Invalid XPath. Please try again..." )
user_xpath = input ( "Input XPath:" )
browser . click . button ( user_xpath )
URL Validation How to prompt the user for a valid URL in the terminal:
Python from browserist import Browser
with Browser () as browser :
user_url = input ( "Input URL:" )
while not browser . tool . is_url_valid ( user_url )
print ( "Invalid URL. Please try again..." )
user_url = input ( "Input URL:" )
browser . open . url ( user_url )